In 2020, Nitesh Batra taught an 8-week CCT class to staff members of Dream a Dream in Bangalore India. Every year, Dream a Dream helps over 5000 extremely poor children and young adults through after school programs that provide career and counseling and life skills. Here is a short film produced by a participant from Nitesh’s class:
In 2021, Claudia Jorquera Bernales offered the 8-week CCT class to clinical staff who treat and evaluate children who have suffered extreme abuse through SENAME, the children’s branch of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in Chile. Here is a short film produced by Claudia:
In 2019, Silvia Fernandez Campos offered the 8-week CCT class to the staff of Proyecto Esperanza in Madrid, Spain. This NGO offers asylum and support to women who are the victims of human trafficking.
In 2017, Lara Naughton taught the first of nine 8-week compassion programs at the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola. This video was created by graduates in appreciation for the teachings they received.